Office for Scientific Research (OSR)

Publish Date: Jul 11, 2012    Author:     Read Count: []

The mission of Office for Scientific Research is to manage the university’s scientific work domestically and internationally, and to promote the development of scientific research as well.

In recent years, aiming at the promotion of the competitiveness and academic status, taking the major issues concerning the national economic construction and social development as the strategic targets, facing the challenge of local economy construction in Henan province, OSR has made a noticeable accomplishment in the major research area of modernization of TCM.

Since 2003, the total of 5 892 papers have been published, among which 100 papers, according to the statistics from Documentation and Information Center of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, have been cited by SCI, EI, ISTP, MEDLINE. There are 195 academic publications, 24 patents (10 national and 14 applied new types). Since 2003, the number of sponsored scientific and research programs and projects is up to 519, in which 56 are sponsored by the State Council of the People's Republic of China and its departments, 2 by Major Project of Chinese National Programs for Fundamental Research and Development (973 Program), 2 by Chinese National Programs for High Technology Research and Development (863 Program), 9 by The 10th Five Year Key Programs for Science and Technology Development of China (sub-projects involved), 17 by The 11th Five Year Supporting Programs for Science and Technology Development of China (sub-projects involved), 12 by National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2 by the Notable Scientific and Research Welfare Program of Henan Province, and 2 by National TCM Scientific and Research Special.

In recent 5 years, the university has achieved 51 awards in total, including 1 item of the first prize, which was a breakthrough in gaining the prize from the state or ministries; 2 items of the second prize and 1 of the third prize as the National Academy Science and Technology Awards of TCM, 26 items of the second prize and 16 of the third prize as Scientific and Technological Progress Awards of Henan Province; 1 first prize as Applied Social Science Achievement Awards of Henan Province(provincial grade). Since 2003, the scientific research funds have amounted to RMB 73 508 600.

Now, there are 2 key national disciplines of The Chinese Medicine Council, 3 first-grade key disciplines of Henan province, and 2 second-grade key disciplines of Henan province.

The First Affiliated Hospital is the base for the reform of herbal preparation, national clinical application of medicine, the ministry of sanitation clinical pharmacology but also the post-PhD station. There are 4 another provincial or ministry level laboratories, namely Respiration Lab, Kidney pathology (pediatrics) Lab, AIDS inspection Lab and IVC Lab; 2 bureau level labs, namely TCM Preparation Lab and Cell Molecule Biology Lab. And there are 7 national grade key specialist clinics and 3 provincial grade key specialist clinics.

The Second Affiliated Hospital now has 3 national grade key specialist clinics and 3 provincial grade key specialist clinics. To exert the advantages of TCM scientific research and development, the university successfully founded ten research institutes, namely AIDS Institute, Liver Institute, Geratology Institute, Pediatrics Institute, TCM Basic Theories and Application Institute, Chinese Herbal Medicine Institute, Diabetes Institute, Acupuncture Institute, Tumour Institute and Cardiovascular Diseases Institute.